The First Step to Understanding Your Emotions

The First Step to Understanding Your Emotions

The First Step to Understanding Your Emotions

Runaway thoughts can lead to an array of emotions. Navigating our way through our emotions can be confusing and challenging. Some emotions seem to never quite leave us alone.

In this post, we will be talking about acknowledging our emotions and listening to what they are trying to tell us.

Our emotions are important, they are complex and their main goal is to tell us something. 

They communicate with us all the time, whether we are trying to work, study, sleep, exercise, cook dinner – they don’t give us a heads up, they show up wherever and whenever. Your responsibility is to know how to live your life and continue to do the things that you love, alongside those emotions.


First, we should acknowledge that our emotions stay with us throughout our lives and are always available to us. You will always have fear and sadness from time to time, but it’s important to notice when you are experiencing these feelings chronically. For me, learning that I have anxiety and depression and that they would never go away completely – was something I had to take a moment to process.

When I realized that anxiety and depression, and consequently feelings of fear and anger and sadness would be staying with me for the long haul, it made me think of other emotions that I felt on a regular basis. Other negative and sometimes debilitating emotions would be consistently present in my life and it seemed that I would be with them more often than I would see friends.   

I evaluated these feelings and sat with each of them. I took my time and acknowledged every one, looking each emotion square in the face. There was no judgment, there were no expectations. 

After 20+ years of fighting feelings like toxic shame, anger and fear – I simply wanted to acknowledge them.

Whatever emotions you’re feeling, facing your inner turmoil is the first step in the direction of taking responsibility for your mental health, and consequently – your life. It is a step into what feels like a big, scary unknown place where we risk feeling really bad. 

On this journey of healing, you’re going to go through more pain. You’re going to revisit themes in your life that make you feel bad, but you’ll reframe and neutralize them so they don’t hurt you anymore. If you take the journey and stay for the whole ride, you will have ups and downs and feel pain and relief and everything in between.

It’s a wild ride that requires persistence and commitment, but it’s worth it on the other side. 

It’s not about giving up, we don’t want to allow our inner negative thoughts and fears to run the show. It’s about surrendering to the fact that we have pain and trauma, acknowledging it, listening to it and hearing what it is trying to tell us. 

If you learn to work with your inner feelings associated with past trauma, you will eventually release them. 

Your inner feelings of fear, anger, injustice and heartbreak are all in there. If you listen, they will tell you what they need in order to be remedied. We just need to give them a chance to speak. 

Think about the thought associated with the feeling, how it makes you feel and ask yourself what it is trying to tell you.

Give In

This is the part where we surrender to our feelings and accept that they’re not going anywhere. This is the part where we acknowledge our negative feelings  and simply allow them to be there without resisting. 

You are never going to not have feelings, feelings are a part of being human. It’s about getting reacquainted with your feelings and making a safe space for them to exist. Resisting is not the answer, we need to simply reframe how we think about our feelings and detach from them. 

The best way that I have learned to detach from these emotions is to visualize them as physically separate from myself. 

Take Responsibility, Make Your Choice

No one knows how you’re feeling but you. Sure, you can tell them, but no one feels your feelings but you. That’s what makes it your responsibility to help yourself. If you’ve ever heard anyone say “no one is coming to save you” with regards to your mental health, this is what they’re referring to, because no one else knows what’s going on in your head – but you. 

The good thing is, you are most definitely not alone. Lots of people struggle with balancing their emotions and keeping their thoughts in check. Anxiety and depression are super common, and in reality – we are all doing our best. Many of us are able to successfully learn the tools we need to coexist with these emotions and improve our experience. 

Furthermore, when it comes to intrusive thoughts that lead to unwanted feelings, what I want you to remember is that you have a choice in what thoughts you focus your attention on. If you give yourself just a little space to think about what is coming up for you, you’ll find a lot of information there. 
There is so much more to discuss with regards to figuring out your emotions. There’s the topic of identifying them, understanding your perspective and other perspectives and getting curious about what’s possible. Then, there’s the element of forgiveness and moving on to what it is you want out of life. All of these things I talk more about in related blog posts. 

It’s all about perspective, and you always have a choice in how you view things. If you would like to learn more about my strategy for detaching from my emotions and feeling empowered through choosing my own perspective, I would love to share it with you. 

I am currently working on a course that talks more in depth about the steps I took to understanding my emotions and my ability to handle any emotion, in any setting. 

Join our mailing list and I will keep you aware of when these tools become available. 

Please stop back soon, I would love for you to be able to employ all of these wonderful, life enhancing tools for yourself. 

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